Adobe的产品是不是对于使用“¥”(RMB)的人来说很昂贵,光一个Flex正式版就可以把部分人的一个月薪水花光了。对于我们这些学生来说,唉。。。更不用说。Flex 正式版早前已经发布,相信不少人都在等破解版那些。想使用Flex正式版的正版吗?不用愁!Adobe 为教育业免费提供Flex正式版。
只要你是学生,那么赶快在这个网站(上填写相关真实资料以及上传你的学生证照片吧,Product Key 马上寄到你邮箱!我申请成功了,你还等什么?
Dear Y.Boy ,
Thanks for your interest in Adobe Flex Builder. Developers all around the world have built some amazing applications with Flex Builder; you can see their work at the Flex Showcase. We encourage you to build your own application and then submit it to the Flex Showcase so others can see what you've built.
Downloading Flex Builder
If you have not downloaded Flex Builder, please download the trial version to get started.
Activating Flex Builder
Once you've downloaded Flex Builder, you can enter the following serial numbers to activate your product and the charting components.
Serial Number: 1377-4002-8140-5935-4759-**** (省略后四位)
Using Flex Builder
The fastest and easiest way for you to get started with Flex Builder is to visit the Getting Started section on the Flex Developer Center. Go through the tutorials there and see how easy it is to build your own Flex applications.
We look forward to seeing what you build.
The Adobe Flex Team
Flex on Facebook