2007/10/23 | Adobe公司的Share要升级了
类别(Flex和AIR) | 评论(2) | 阅读(213) | 发表于 12:08

      今天早上打开邮箱, 收到Adobe公司的Share升级通知. Share, 顾名思义, 就是分享你的东西. 你可以把文件上传到Adobe提供的share网站, 它是用Flex做的, 界面和功能都不错的. 重要的是, 它提供上传的API. 其实就像是一个网络硬盘.

    网址: http://share.adobe.com

     了解更多: http://blogs.adobe.com/share/



Dear Valued Customer,

We will be updating the "Share" service starting at 5PM Pacific Standard Time today. The update is focused on improving the user experience and fixing a few critical bugs based on user feedback. It should take about an hour and a half during which time the service will be unavailable.

After this update you will be able to:
  • Upload and delete files faster.
  • Create previews from PDFs with far fewer errors.
  • Embed images files (including jpeg, gif, png) and Flash movies (swf files) into websites, wikis or blogs.
  • Use the Share API to display document thumbnails in web pages or applications; also, the API recognizes new line characters for XML requests.
Some of the improvements we are working on for our next releases will allow you to:
  • Convert documents to PDF (including Microsoft Office files, ODF, etc.)
  • Easily upload and share documents.
  • Find documents by searching through document content.
  • Organize your documents using user defined collections and filters.
  • Provide a better viewing experience for documents you embed on your website, wiki or blog by allowing users to view the document in full-screen.

You can read more about the update and our future plans on our blog at http://blogs.adobe.com/share/. Keep the ideas and feedback coming. Email us any time at share_beta@adobe.com.

Thank you for using Share,
-The Share Team
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